4 March, 20204 March, 2020Learning Model Canvas Introducing the 9 blocks of the Learning Model Canvas Get to know the 9 blocks of the Learning Model Canvas in this short video and start using the LMC today.
4 March, 2020Learning Model Canvas Introducing the Learning Model Canvas A short introduction to the Learning Model Canvas paper version. The post contains links to download the paper versions as PDF files.
7 February, 202017 February, 2020Visual Thinking A Visual Thinking Approach to Measuring Meeting Effectiveness – Part 2 In Part 2 of Meet The Meeter, we show 9 common shapes drawn using The Meeter and what they can tell you about your meeting.
7 February, 202017 February, 2020Visual Thinking A Visual Thinking Approach to Measuring Meeting Effectiveness – The Meeter Meet: The Meeter. Part 1 is a two-minute video showing a visual approach to measuring your thoughts on the meeting you’ve just attended.