19 June, 202015 June, 2020Visual Thinking Why Drawing Doesn’t Matter When Visual Thinking Your inability to draw won’t affect your Visual Thinking ability
12 June, 202015 June, 2020Opinion, Visual Thinking Design Thinking and Framing What do we mean by ‘framing’ in Design Thinking?
10 June, 20207 June, 2020Opinion, Visual Thinking Select Your Visual Thinking Metaphor Wisely Read how metaphors can help in visual thinking
9 June, 20207 June, 2020Learning, Opinion, Visual Thinking Difference Between Simple, Complicated and Complex Find out the difference between simple, complicated and complex.
7 February, 202017 February, 2020Visual Thinking A Visual Thinking Approach to Measuring Meeting Effectiveness – Part 2 In Part 2 of Meet The Meeter, we show 9 common shapes drawn using The Meeter and what they can tell you about your meeting.
7 February, 202017 February, 2020Visual Thinking A Visual Thinking Approach to Measuring Meeting Effectiveness – The Meeter Meet: The Meeter. Part 1 is a two-minute video showing a visual approach to measuring your thoughts on the meeting you’ve just attended.