“If you interact with others, you have the platform to create something new – something that changes everything. I call that art.”
– Seth Godin
Lockdown has changed the way we interact with others. This change won’t end when lockdown ends, social distancing will remain for some time and will continue to affect how we work, learn, live and communicate.
There is a burst of creative expression shared with those outside our own family because what we experience is, to some degree, an experience being shared by the world.
The question is. Is coronavirus the ‘something new’ that changes everything?
Let’s take one example: Will working from home become the ‘new normal’ for many?
If so, how will this: Impact the core values of an organisation; change how staff learn ‘on-the-job’; affect interactions with colleagues; alter processes, job-autonomy, group-cohesion, etc.?
In addition, how will this impact external factors, such as, public transport, city planning, climate?
We know that being an artist has nothing to do with being able to draw like Da Vinci. We are all artists because we interact and communicate with others and have the potential to change everything.
What are your thoughts? is this coronavirus the ‘something new’ that changes everything?
Please add your comment below. – HFBKBU.